Friday, November 25, 2011

the philippine version of gossip girl-losers, bitters and insecures!

Well, it's definitely different coz as for the popular gossiper in the upper east side Manhattan, this unhealthy habit is compose of i guess to be exact 6 people! too many right? but as they usually say, it's fun to gossip when you're many specially when you share the same interests, hate same persons, eat the same foods and by no means i hope this is not happening... share the same boyfriends? or toothbrush? hahaha.. well those are way off the grid! I can't stop thinking about this that while I am trying my best to rearrange my life to be very simple they're are always ruining my day! Coz for me, I believe that talking about a person specially when it's not good news and she/he is not actually present in the conversation is very unhealthy and they keep doing this inside the office and i find this very annoying! this is what I would like to say! People.... hey! this isn't your high school anymore, and you're not surrounded with dumb and naive homo sapiens, these people (we, including myself) are actually professionals, educated and most of the time hates when you are acting like you're highschoolers, please grow up, at your age now, you should be watching each others back and cleaning each others mess not laughing at other people's topsy-turvy lives, nobody's perfect don't think too high of yourselves... my God! rest your tongues before it bites you instead. I'm suffocated watching you every playing relay the message. Grow up people!!!! Can you not think of something happy to talk about or spend your lousy times appreciating things and people? for the six of you, i have three words for you, LOSERS! BITTERS! INSECURES!